Friday, May 28, 2010

Today, I picked the girls from school around 11:30. I had made a doctor's appointment for Sofia to check out her allergies. She stays really congested and it seems like it is bothering her hearing. Her teacher, Yanci, said she also thought she was starting to stumble a little which would be affected by her equilibrium and fluid in her ears. Here they don't send children to pediatricians unless they are under 2 years old. They just go to a regular general practiioner (GP). There is one near our house that I had heard good things about so that is where we went- Dr. Darby. He is very nice and took lots of time to talk to me and the girls. Of course, Sienna had to tell a froggy story. She told him that froggy had a belly ache and he had blood in his belly and he had to go to the doctor too.

Anyway, he said she definitely has some allergy symptoms- congestion, swollen glands, dark circles under her eyes and fluid in her ears. He prescribed her Zyrtec. He said we would try it one month and if they symptoms were not better then he would change the medication and possible do some testing to see if there are specific allergens she is reacting to.

I also asked him about the TB shots. They have to have them before they start school next year but the thing is that normally you can't get the BCG (the vaccination) after 1 years old. But he gave me a name of a hospital where I may be able to get the BCG and then his nurse can administer it. The TB shot is the one they put in the left arm and typically leaves a little round scar.

After the doctor, we went to the pet store to get a scratch pole for the kittens so they will hopefully stop crawling up the leather furniture. And I also got a carrier so that I can take them to the vet.

Then, we headed to Seth's birthday party. Seth is a little boy in the girl's class. The party was at his grandparents house on a beautiful large property. They were giving kids rides on 4 wheelers, horses and tractor trailer rides. The girls would have nothing to do with the 4 wheelers but they were so excited to get to ride the horses. They are real naturals on horses. They were riding bareback!!! They rode separately and then together. They had the horse trotting and they loved it! Then they enjoyed going around on the trailer rides. And there was a jump castle. All their friends were there. They had a great time. The only thing was it was so windy and cold- we weren't dressed warm enough. It was up higher in the mountains so it was colder. Seth's mother let the girls wear a couple of his "jerseys".

We left and I treated them to KFC for dinner. Busy day!

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