Saturday, May 29, 2010

Froggy with a chameleon in his belly

Froggy has been doing all kinds of things in the past few days.

Yesterday- “Froggy has a chameleon in his belly and it is hurting him. The chameleon would walk around in this belly during the day and roll up into a cocoon in the night. Froggy had to go to the doctor to get the chameleon out of his belly. It made a little sack in his belly and there was some blood in it.” Sienna had an old medicine box that she was carrying along with Froggy and said it was his medicine.

Froggy grew creepy crawlies on his head. They made a nest and it made Froggy grow hair. His hair was scraggly and he had to go to a “cutter” to get it cut off. The cutter put some smelly stuff on his hair and the creepy crawlies didn’t like it.

Also, Froggy has been hang gliding and fishing whales these past two days. She had an ivy leaf and she said it was Froggy’s hang glider.

There are so many stories I can't even remember them all. It is non stop that she tells Froggy stories. Sofia gets into the stories as well and asks her questions about the story. It is cute to listen to them.

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