Saturday, May 29, 2010

Shongweni Farmers Market

This morning we went to the Shongweni Farmers and Craft Market. There are lots of stall of a variety of interesting things. One of the biggest draws of the market is the food. There are many, many stalls for breakfast. People come from afar to eat breakfast there. It opens at 6:30 and lasts until 10:30 every Saturday. I had never been. We walked around for a while and then decided on breakfast. Sienna wanted little donuts and Sofia wanted a waffle. It was pretty chilly out since it was about 7:30 when we got there. We enjoyed a relaxing breakfast and then walked around. I bought some basil and mint for the garden. We can't get enough basil- the girls eat it like candy. We also bought two little door stops- the kind that go across the whole bottom of the door. I am hoping this will block out some of the critters.

In the afternoon I took them to ballet practice. Next Saturday is dress rehersal and pictures. Then their show is on June 11th and 12th. They seem to be enjoying ballet.

We made brownies today and then I worked with them on their writing- tracing the alphabet and numbers.

We stayed busy.

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