Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Sal!

Today is Sal's birthday. We talked on Skype and the girls sang Happy Birthday to him. Sienna told him she thought he was either 25 or 65. Sofia said she thought he was 28.

We have had a quiet weekend. Haven't done much. I was tired after a long and busy week at work. Yesterday, the girls had ballet practice on stage. They are getting ready for their show in June. The mothers could not stay and watch. The teacher, Mrs. Pannifer, wants the show to be a surprise. They like Mrs. Pannifer. She is very strict! But they like it. Then we just stayed around the house yesterday and today mostly except for going to the grocery store.

I had a trip to Johannesburg and to Limpopo this week. I had some meetings in Joberg and then a project visit to a Passing on the Gift Ceremony in Limpopo. Limpopo province is up in the very north of the country by the Zimbabwe. I took two of our new board members to see the ceremony. It was a good visit but very long and very tiring. Joberg is so big and it takes hours to get around the city. The traffic is horrible. Around the city, you can see both tremendous wealth and extreme poverty in the squatter villages. We drove to Limpopo from Joberg- it was about a 4 hour drive there and 4 hours back- in one day. There are many, many game reserves along the way and you can see animals roaming around. The POG ceremony was good. There were lots of speeches and singing. I also had to give the speech of motivation.

Our kittys are good but Sienna is struggling to understand to be gentle with it. She keeps pulling its tail and sometimes tosses the kitten. Sofia is a little more gentle with hers. I think they have settled on the names Gabby and Bella.

Here are a few Froggy stories from the past two days.

May 21, 2010
Froggy is having a party for Pongo. Michael Jackson, Billy Ray Cyrus and Alicia Keys knock on the door and come to the party. Froggy is also having a celebration for his grandma. It’s not her birthday, it’s just a celebration. At that party, Nonna, PawPaw, Uncle Terry, Mae Mae, Tony, Aunt Carla, Papa, Mamma and Sofia and Sienna are there.

May 22, 2010

Froggy is having a plant competition. He is growing plants to sell in his store. He also sells cat food at his store with the plants he is growing for the competition. After she said this, she picked some different types of leaves and put them in a bowl on her bed with Froggy.

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