Monday, July 5, 2010

Poor Tippy

Yesterday, we went early in the morning to try again with Tippy. We brought him over and played and played with him. He was very gentle with the girls and wasn't as anxious to try and get out to go back home. All was going well until about 4 pm when I heard that high pitched bark again. I knew he had gotten back over Michelle and Conrad's fence. And, like last time, they weren't home. I tried for a long time just to coax the dog's into being friends and not fighting. They just all stayed in the corner of the fence. Then, Tippy's brother Dipstick (or Lipstick as the girls call him) got loose and came over. He got all the dogs upset. I guess because Tippy felt bolder with his brother around, they started all getting worked up. Sarah, the girl, who had given us Tippy came over and got Lipstick. Then, I called Michelle and told her what was happening (AGAIN). They came home. As soon as they came home, Grommit, Michelle's bull terrier, and Tippy got into a huge fight. Grommit is just pure muscle with jaws of steel. He got into Tippy's neck and back. It was horrible. And what's even worse is the girls were standing there watching it all unfold. I was trying to get them to go back into our yard but they wouldn't. Finally, they got the dogs apart and Sarah took Tippy back home. We talked in the evening and even this morning and things seemed to be okay. But because she just can't care for them and her dad travels to Angola a lot, she took them to the SPCA (like the Humane Society). The staff were very positive and said that they would definitely be able to find them a home very quickly. Then shortly after they called her and said Tippy needed quite a bit of medical attention or they would have to put him to sleep. By the time, Sarah called her dad in Angola, the SPCA had put him to sleep. Poor Tippy, he was such a sweet dog. He had the sweetest nature. And the girls were absolutely smitten by him. So sad.

Meanwhile, the kittens continue to ransack the house. As soon as we let them out of the spare bedroom, they wreak havoc! They broke my statue from Zimbabwe. It was a stone carving of a mother and twins. They have started fraying a hole in the carpet in the spare bedroom and love to use the leather furniture as a scratch pad. They are so mischievious.

Sofia told me today that Billy Ray Cyrus called her and asked her to marry him. She said that he promised he would marry her.

Sienna said Froggy got a haircut today. He has two hairs and they cut them and now he looks like a skinny dog. She said she saw Alicia Keyes, Michael Jackson, Curious George and Lady Gaga at Disney World today. They were buying presents for Froggy. And all Froggy wants to do is sleep all day and when he gets up he punches her in the eye!

They are a mess!

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