Thursday, July 8, 2010

Can't get out of the gates

The front gates at each side of the driveway have been giving us trouble now for about a month. The owner of the house has sent his friend to repair them but nothing seems to be working. This morning as we were all ready to leave for school/work, I couldn't get either gate to work. They just wouldn't open. And I don't have the little key that can override the gate motors and manually push them back. So, I called the owner of the house. He told me he was mad as h*ll and this was costing him so much. I told him I don't know what might be wrong and I was doing everything I knew to do. He acted as if I was causing the problem. He said he never had any problem with the gates. Anyway, he called the called the company that installed the gate some years back and they sent an electrician. In the end, the 12 volt batteries on each of the motors weren't holding a charge. They were old. They changed the batteries and checked the sensors. One of them had a huge nest of ants in it. Now, the gates seem to be working just fine. Later, I got a call from the agents who rent the house for the owner. They said he called and complained that I was calling all the time with issues. It mad me mad because when the hot water geyser (hot water heater) went out, he told me not to contact them but to call him directly if there was a problem. So, I told the agents that they needed to get the right story from him and it would be a pleasure not to have to call him because of him yelling at me. As usual, never a dull moment here!

Sofia's allergy test results are back. They said the tests didn't show any allergies, which is good.

I let the girls finally go through the boxes from Carla and Papa today. They were so excited with all the stuff- the Hershey's Kisses, the Strawberry Shortcake dolls, the bandaids, stickers, headbands, etc.

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