Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Doctors offices, vets offices

Today, I had to work most of the day from home because I had scheduled Sofia's checkup on her allergies and then we had to take the kittens to get their 2nd round of shots.
At the doctor's office, Dr. Darby changed Sofia's allergy medication from Zyrtec to a nasal spray which she is not too fond of. Then he told me he wanted to do some blood work to see if they can identify what allergens are causing her problems. Both girls have been coughing so much lately, but I think that is because of congestion and a cold. Sofia gets coughing fits that always end in her gagging. For the past 10 days it has been going on and on. He prescribed some cough medicine for them both to take at night. I am up about 10 times a night between the two of them. So after the dr. office we had to go next door and do the lab work. Which I was not looking forward to at all. Needles and I don't mix well. And even if the lab work was not being done on me, it might as well have been given it was one of the girls. Luckily, Sofia's veins are likes Sal's- nice and protruding. The lab technician was there by herself so it was up to me and her to try and convince Sofia this was the right thing to do. At first, she was not having any of it. She politely packed her little purse up and started getting down from the bed. The technicial told me I would probably have to go to Hillcrest where there were more nurses there to hold Sofia down. So, I explained that to her- I told her either we could do it there and get it over with or we would have to go and nurses would hold her down. After a few minutes of convincing, she actually agreed to it. I distracted her, Sienna exitedly watched and talked 90 miles an hour about Froggy getting blood drawn and it was over before we all knew it. I tried to be brave so they don't inherit my fear of needles. But with her little veins she shouldn't have the problems I have had. She got to write her name on the wall of bravery and got a little badge to wear. Sienna didn't understand why she couldn't also write her name and get a badge so the relief of having the tests over with quickly turned to chaos as Sienna was screaming she wanted a badge. I looked at the technician as if to say- just give her a badge but she wasn't having it at all. Anyway, we will see once the results come back. Sofia was really worried about her blood being taken away in the two vials....
Then, we took the kittens for their shots. We ended up having to wait a long time at the vet because there were two dogs brought in that had to be put to sleep. It was sad. There was also a huge pig there that was squealing like crazy when they put it in the back of a truck. And Sofia and Sienna made themselves right at home behind the desk at the vets office with the receptionist! Finally, we were called back and the kittens, about 4 months old now, got two shots each. More needles. The girls watched and asked tons of questions about everything in the office. Dr. Singh, the vet, said they were very, very bright for their ages! Of course, Sienna whipped out several Froggy stories. Sometimes people don't know what to make of her stories. I am always explaining, it is her little stuffed animal. Now, we are up to date on shots for the kittens. They will get neutered next month so I don't have to worry about them getting pregnant. Sofia didn't like the thought of her cat not having kittens. I told them between the two cats, we could have 20 kittens and I couldn't deal with that. They said they would tell the cats not to have so many and just to have one kitten each. Yeah, right!
There was a breakin at our office last week. Luckily, they did not get in the office but they did manage to steal some tires off of our trailer that we use to haul materials to the projects. They think they have found the suspect and have arrested this person. And from what I understand, the tires have been returned.
The monkeys visited today again. We didn't have time really to watch them. They were just arriving as we were heading off to the doctor's office. About 15 of them.
Otherwise, just a normal day in South Africa.

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