Saturday, December 26, 2009

Sofia's stitches

Sal asked Sofia where her stitches were and she said "in that little round circle in my nose where the boogers are"!!!

All the swelling is gone as well as the bruising.

Today we had a pretty busy day. We went to get the refridgerator. The girls swam here for a couple of hours. They took a nap. We went to buy groceries and then this evening went to a restaurant called Spur. It is steakhouse kind of place. They have a huge play area for the kids, a small little movie theater and about 10 video game consoles. They loved it. But they didn't want to eat.

We have a tiny little gecko living here in the cottage with us. He is about 1 1/2 inches long. Sienna caught one as well this morning. And this evening she found some toads and was throwing them in the pool.

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