Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa just dropped off the girls Santa sacks full of goodies. We even have milk and cookies out for him to eat before heading back out through the window. Sofia was a little worried we didn't have a fireplace for him to come down but I assured her he could get through my window. As usual Sienna ate one of his cookies.

Here are the girls getting ready for bed on Christmas Eve. They weren't too enthusiastic about getting their pictures taken. They were more interested in watching Curious George's Christmas.

Here is Sienna's letter to Santa. She included Sofia in it too. At the top she drew a frog and a moose so Santa will know to bring a frog and moose to them. And she wrote her name, "to Santa" in the middle and then Sofia's name at the bottom.

Sienna wrote her letter to Santa tonight. Sofia didn't want to write one and told Sienna to write one for her too

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