Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas in South Africa

We had a lovely day yesterday with Dr. Norman and Estelle Hudson. He is a board member. I have known him for about 5 years. They are in their late 70's and were by themselves. Their son and family are in Colorado. They have a beautiful little house next door to their son's huge house. They have a huge swimming pool, tennis courts and trampoline. The girls really enjoyed playing outside.

For lunch we had ham, new potatoes, carrots, salad and other light side dishes. Then the girls went to play in the pool. The weather was very nice- not too hot.

The girls woke up about 6:30 and were very excited to see that Santa had come while they were sleeping. We called Sal on Skype and he watched the girls open their presents.They got lots of barbies and princess stuff.

It was a laid back day but nice.

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