Wednesday, June 9, 2010


These stories are just from this afternoon....

I had to pick up froggy from school at thirty o’clock. I picked him up after work. I work at a place like you, mamma. But there they have yummy muffins with sweet candy corn icing. I am building froggy a tool box, no, a toy box. Froggy wants a frog towel but he really likes his spider man towel. I am worried because I can’t find froggy a frog towel.

Froggy had to take some medicine to make his teeth grow so he could talk better. The medicine was called “medicine to make you talk better”. Right now, froggy doesn't have any teeth, just gums.

My arms are really hurting. Today before I took froggy to school I was swinging him on the swings and my one arm hurts now.

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