Today I drove for the first time. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. More than anything I am trying to get used to the car. I can't ever get it to go into reverse. There must be some trick that I haven't figured out. The car is a standard so that is also interesting- changing gears with my left hand. The girls are oblivious to it all- they were sitting in the back seat singing Achy Breaky Heart and Deja Blue.
Also, today was very foggy and the roads are extremely curvey. PLUS people are walking everywhere on the sides of the road AND you have to watch out for wandering cow or goat on the road.
Yesterday, we started out at the office until about 10:30 and then everyone left for the holiday break. The offices will be closed until January 4th. Afterwards, we dropped Nunu off at the doctor offices in Pinetown. Pinetown is another little suburb of Durban. It is very colorful. There are people walking around everywhere and it is really chaotic. People selling vegetables on the street side. Chickens in cages.
The girls were amazed. They had their faces glued to the window. Sofia was in the front seat and Sienna in the back. Sienna sat there and waved constantly at everyone (see picture above). Many were waving back at her. And Sofia wasn't sure what to think. She kept saying- look at all the brown African people, mamma. Sienna said they were all "gathering things" to take home.
Then we headed to the uShaka Seaworld in Durban. It is a huge waterpark, aquarium and animal exhibitions. We only had about 3 hours so we went to the aquarium and animal shows. The aquarium is inside this huge old ship. It is really neat. So many different exhibitions and fish from around the world. Sienna like the shark exhibition best. There are over 100 types of sharks native to South Africa.
We watched the dolphin show- it was the best I have seen. There were over 10 different dolphins performing. And then we headed over to see the penguins. Penguins are also native here. The girls played around the tank for a while and there was one penguin that kept following Sofia around. She was dragging her finger on the side of the tank and it was trying to nibble it through the glass. Sofia giggled so hard.
When we left, the girls were able to see the beach and ocean as we walked back to the car.
Sienna and Sofia are doing really well considering all they have to adapt to. They still haven't gotten used to the time difference and they throw fits easily. They take froggy and moosey everywhere.