Sarafina- March 15, 2010 to August 8, 2010
Sofia's beloved kitty
Today, when we got home we couldn't find Sarafina, Sofia's cat. They have gotten in the habit of staying outside most of the day. Today, with Mavis at the house, they probably came and went in and out all day long. But when we came home and only saw Bella, I knew something had happened and it probably wasn't good. All the houses nearby have very big dogs. And just the other day I had to save Bella from falling into one of the neighbors yards because she was being a little too curious on the fence and got stuck.
We walked around the yard and called her and finally gave up about 5:30 pm. I got the girls in the bath and I get the much dreaded call from the neighbor. I knew even before I answered what it was about. We aren't sure what happened exactly but they think she got into the neighbor's yard two houses down. The dogs got a hold of her and she ended up in Michelle and Conrad's yard trying to escape but she died there. Poor baby. I just hope she did not suffer.
Michelle told me not to worry that they would bury her and to just figure out how to tell the girls. Sofia is very, very attached to her cat so I knew it was going to be hard. But I never expected it to be as heart wrenching as it was. She wailed and cried for hours.
Sofia was worried this morning, more than usual, about Sarafina. She kept trying to close her in her room because she was worried about her getting out. Normally, she isn't so worried and she lets her run in and out. But this morning, about 3 or 4 times I found her locking the cat in the room. It is almost as if she knew something could happen.
At first, I didn't know what to tell her. I told her Sarafina had left and wouldn't come back. As she absorbed that (huge tears and sobs), I told her that she had gotten into the neighbors yard and gotten into a fight with dogs. And finally, later, I gently told her that she was in kitty heaven.
I told her Sarafina would always be in her heart. She looked me straight in the eye through her little tears and said "But mamma, my heart is broken. Sarafina broke my heart". She kept saying, over and over, "I want Sarafina, I need Sarafina". Oh boy, that was the hardest thing to do. She kept saying she was trying to keep her in the house and feeling like it was her fault.
And I am sure it is not over by far. I held her and held her. And when I was busy with supper, Sienna held her and tried to console her.
She was much more attached to her cat than Sienna is with hers. Bella kept going to the door tonight waiting and looking under it.
Losing pets is so hard. And especially when it is a child's pet.
This post is dedicated to our little Sarafina and, more importantly, to Sofia. She has just had the first break in her heart. One of many, I am sure, to come.