Friday, May 14, 2010

In Zimbabwe

I had to come to Zimbabwe for two days for some meetings. Zimbabwe borders South Africa to the north. I will post some interesting facts on this extremely poor country once I get back in South Africa and have a little more time. I head back to South Africa this afternoon.
Zimbabwe has been a lot in the news with their elections in 2008 and with the hyperinflation situation.
In 2008, at the height of the inflationary crisis, inflation was noted at over 231 million%!!!! This is unimaginable. The reserve banks had to resort to printing 100 billion zimbabwean dollar notes. And they weren't worth anything. People would need bags of them to buy essentials. Nowadays, the country is operating on US dollars. One can't even fathom inflation at 231 million%. In the US, we complain when inflation and the price of goods raise 2-3%.

Tammy picked the girls up from school yesterday and stayed the night with them. Then she will pick them up today and I will be home before they go to bed. I can't wait to see them.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sofia was really posing today for pictures. Sienna not so much.

Here are the paintings they did for me for Mother's Day. I hung them on the wall in the bedroom.

Happy Mother's Day!
When I pulled out their dresses to put on so we could take these pictures, Sofia looked at the dress and said "I am NOT putting that BIG dress on"! It was so cute. And I said, "Oh yes you will!"

Happy Mother's Day!

Here are some pictures we took today for you for Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day!

We had a good Mother's Day. For breakfast, we had homeade pancakes. Afterwards, we went for a swim in the pool. The girls wanted to see Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang so we went to the movies. Afterwards, the girls painted me a canvas to hang on my wall in the bedroom. They did it in colors of the duvet and shams on the bed- yellow background, blue and red flowers. Very pretty.