Friday, May 7, 2010


I finally got the girls the kittens they have been begging for since we arrived in South Africa. I had wanted to get them kittens for Christmas but at the time we were still staying at the bed and breakfast.

So, today, I found two from an online classified ad. I haven't been able to take pictures of them yet as things were just too chaotic with the girls and the kittens.

They are sweet- only 7 weeks old. They were born March 15th. Their mother and her little of 6 kittens (who were 3 weeks old) were found abandoned.

They are both females. Sofia's is white with a few grey spots. Sienna's is black with white markings. I completely surprised the girls after school. I had gone to get them and brought them home. I put them in the guest quarters of the house that is empty so that they would be easy to find when we got home.

The girls couldn't believe their eyes. They asked if they were real and if they could keep them for a while. Then they started chasing them around. That didn't go over too well. The kittens immediately run under couches, behind stoves and anywhere they could fine. One got behind the stove and I found her licking the ant poison. I just pray she doesn't get sick. So, for a couple of hours, we went through that. Then finally, we put them in the spare bedroom and I told the girls just to sit and watch. And sure enough the kittens started playing like crazy. The girls laughed and laughed as the kittens chased each other, ran through the litter box and wreaked havoc! They are litter box trained, thank goodness. And have been eating dry cat food. They look pretty healthy.

So, what are their names? Well, I think we have yet to settle on a name. Sofia is sticking with Sarafina or Betsy. She has been saying all along that if she got a cat she wanted to name it Sarafina. Sienna, on the other hand, has gone through an array of names- Saragina, Bella, Skittle, Aurora, to name a few. Before going to bed she was calling it Jelly Bean. So, we will see.

I will post pictures tomorrow.

Baker Baker day seemed to be a success- except for the fact that all the kids were digging into the Gorp trail mix bowl and it caused Sofia to dump it on the floor. But they all loved the brownies.

Both girls told me they had to sit in the "thinking chair" twice each today because they were naughty. Sienna was scratched up because she said she was riding the bicycle too fast at school.

Let's hope the weekend is a bit calmer. I am going to take the girls to see the Nanny McPhee movie at the cinema near our house this weekend. And we will continue to get the kitties used to the house and the girls. I keep trying to tell them not to run towards them so excitedly. The kittens get scared and hide.

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