Sunday, December 27, 2009

Safari #2- much better this time around

Sofia and Sienna admiring the hippos- There are about 20 hippos all piled up in the water just beyond the girls.

Today the girls and I went to Tala Game Reserve. It is about 30 minutes from Hillcrest. First, I went and bought a dining table and a couple of chairs for the living room from someone who had put them in the classifieds. Then we headed to the game park. We got there around noon and stayed until a little after 5 pm. Tala is not as big as some of the other game parks. It is a private reserve. It has hippo, rhino, giraffe, zebra, ostrich, wildebeest, monkey and all the deer families (impala, gazelle, kudu). I drove the tiny little Ford car and was pretty lucky we didn’t get stuck in some of the ruts in the road.

We saw lots of animals. We didn’t get to see any giraffe. I have been to that reserve many times usually always see giraffe. All of the animals we did see had little babies. We saw baby zebra, hippo, wildebeest, monkeys, etc. The girls enjoyed seeing the animals up close grazing. They really liked the ostrich. They got out of the car several times and posed for pictures. It is pretty cheap to go into the park- we paid about 12 USD for all 3 of us.

I am very proud of myself for driving there own my own and finding the way back. I got turned around on the way back a couple of times but made it okay. It was an overcast day and a little chilly in the game park.

Sienna is still looking for a tree frog. Good luck with that one! And she gets mad because we don’t ever see one. She has gotten to where she will just fall down on the ground and lay there. She says she can’t walk. She does it everywhere and in front of people. It is embarrassing.

Sofia’s face is MUCH better today. The bruising is very faint. I have to take her today or tomorrow to get the stitches out. I am not looking forward to that.

We got back to the B&B, I cooked them some pasta on a little camping stove outside, gave them a warm bath, watched E.T. and got them in bed around 8:45.

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