Monday, July 12, 2010

World Cup ends....Spain champions

Spain won the World Cup!!!! Viva Espana!!! They played a really good game- very composed and fair whereas the Dutch seemed to do anything to try and win- including kicking Xabi Alfonso in the chest with his cleats. The game ended at almost midnight here! Unfortunately, around the same time in Kampala, Uganda, there were bombings at some restaurants where people had gathered to watch the final match of the World Cup. Sadly, over 70 people were killed.

Tonight, I was asking with Sofia to be please be good. She looked at me and said "mamma, it's hard to be good. I have trouble being good, mamma". Right before that, she had asked me what a "soul" was. I tried to explain and she pulled up her shirt and asked me where it was. I told her that it was inside and she kept asking me to point to where it was in her belly.

Sienna told me that she had been on a plane all day going to India because she wanted to get her hands painted with "hanna" (henna). Froggy and his daddy were looking for her and glad she got home. And Froggy's grandpa died, he died on the cross with Jesus. He drove his car to the cross.

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