Sunday, July 11, 2010

Last day of World Cup

The World Cup final is playing right now. Netherlands and Spain. Let's hope Spain can pull it off. Neither team has ever won a World Cup.

Today we went to our friends, the Akob's, house for a braai. Jane and Chris are from Cameroon. They have both worked with Heifer but now work in other jobs. They have three daughters- Elma, Faith and Joanne. The girls just adore Elma. I think she is around 13. And she is so good with them. There were some of the Akob's friends there, from Kenya and Mozambique, and also living here now. It was a nice afternoon. We made homemade brownies to take.

School starts back this week after a 5 week break. It starts on Tuesday. The girls are excited. Over these past 5 weeks they have been going to holiday care- which is still at their school but it is a mixture of kids of all ages. So, they are excited to get back in their routine and see their classmates.

They are still coughing but not as bad. Tonight, Sofia was coughing and I was patting her on her back. And she looked at me and said- mamma, you are patting so hard that my back is going to go into my stomach.

They are always talking about who they are going to marry. Today, when we were driving to the Akob's they started talking about when they have babies. They were asking me if I prayed to God to give me twins. I told them yes. Sofia said she was going to have twin girls and their names would be Laura and Barbara. Sienna said she only wanted one little girl named Emily. They said they don't want boys. It was cute. And then Sienna said she was going to marry a monkey. Sofia looked at her and said "Sienna, you must not marry a monkey, they stink, you must marry Billy Ray Cyrus or Ty Ruby (a little boy who was in their class in Little Life Academy in Conway).

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