Sunday, July 18, 2010

Toy Story 3, Mandela's Birthday, Lesson Learned

Today we went to see Toy Story 3 in 3D. It was very cute. The girls wanted to sit on the front row. They enjoyed it.
Right before going into the theatre, we had a small issue. The movie theatre that we went to is in the HUGE mall (the one that is the biggest in the Southern Hemisphere). We arrived about 1 1/2 early and I wanted to go to a few shops before going to the movies. We bought our tickets and then went to a shop to get some light bulbs and other small things. The lines were long and we waited and waited. It was about 10 minutes before the movie was about to start. As I got up to the counter, the lady said I had to go to another counter (at the jewelry counter) to pay. I stood at the jewelry counter and they sent me to the cell phone counter. By this time, the girls are starting to fight and I was very frustrated. So, I pushed my cart (or trolley as they call it here) to the returns place and got the girls out quickly so we could make it to the movie on time. We trotted down (LONG way) to the movies, bought popcorn, grabbed the booster seats and was trying to balance it all. I handed a box of popcorn to Sofia to carry and a booster seat to Sienna. Sienna looks at me and said she can't carry it because her hands are full. That's when I notice that Sienna has a KitKat in her hand from the Game store. I about fainted. I was speechless. In the rush to leave the Game store, Sienna did not put her candy bar down. Now, after repeatedly asking her if she purposedly took it, I still don't know the answer. I really think she didn't realize it. She and Sofia usually are carrying so much stuff- frogs, silkies, moosies, purses, chapstick, that I imagine she just didn't think twice about it. I told her after the movie we had to go and give the candy bar back. I explained to her that it is against the law to steal and police can even arrest people for stealing. I felt really bad about scaring her but I had to make a point to both of them. After the movie, we went back down to Game, all the while, Sienna is very upset (her lip pooched out and tears coming down her face). I went to the counter and told the lady that my daughter had the candy bar in her hand when we left the store and I did not notice it. So, I played it down so Sienna wouldn't feel so embarrassed. She definitely learned her lesson. I told her if it ever happened again, she would have to take it to the counter and explain what happened. They have never even tried to take something from the store. Usually, they are very good about handing their juice, candy or whatever to the cashier and patiently waiting for them to scan it. And they never open something in the store, they know you have to pay for it first. So, I think what happened is that because we were rushing to different counters and then me leaving the cart with stuff in it, she didn't even realize she was holding it among her other stuff.
This evening, Sienna came to me crying. She said that Froggy was going to put her in the fire and he told her he wished she would die. I am not sure where that Froggy story came from. There was a part in Toy Story where the toys were about to fall into an incinerator but were saved at the last minute. It was pretty intense and even made me uncomfortable. I think that is probably what made her say that. She also told me after that it was Froggy today making her misbehave.
Nonno Gino is coming in a few days. We spent the majority of the day yesterday getting the guest quarters of the house ready. I bought a twin bed, some bedside tables, lamps, bedding, etc. I want to get a little fridge and a small table. I will do that next weekend. He is going to enjoy it here, I am sure. And I am glad he will be here when Sal is here. It will be nice to have family here.
Today is Nelson Mandela Day. It is his 92nd birthday. What an incredible leader and example for others to follow. He spent 27 years of his life in a cell on Robben Island- imprisoned for fighting for the rights of humanity, fighting for peace, unity and reconcilation. I hope to get to Robben Island in the near future. It is an island off of Cape Town, SA. The picture, one of the many of him and President Clinton, shows them looking out of the cell that Mandela stayed in for almost 3 decades. He is such an inspiration.

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