Friday, July 23, 2010

Froggy's third brother

The girls were aggravated because the oranges I bought them have seeds. Sofia said I must plant an orange tree in the yard, like the lemon tree we have. Then, Sienna says- "you know, Froggy's third brother ate an orange seed and an orange tree grew out of his mouth". I just can't figure out where she comes up with these things.

Sofia, on the other hand, said Moosey was riding a crocodile's back. And the crocodile's name is Croaky. We caught the crocodile and need to keep him now in the bathtub.

This morning as Sienna as putting on her pink Arkansas Razorback shirt that Mae Mae got her she says "Mae Mae loves the Razorbacks. That means she must be the Queen of the Razorbacks".

The monkeys raided our house again this week- taking all of our bananas and apples. This is the third time for them to sneak into the house. The leave a mess of banana peels in their wake. Mavis was there but in another part of the house. I can only imagine how terrorized the kittens, Bella and Sarafina, must have been having the monkeys in the house.

Driving to work and back is always entertaining. On an average day, here is what I see-

- Cows grazing on the roadside and leisurely crossing the road, causing traffic to come to a halt, as they please
- Men peeing on the side of the road
- Women carrying anything and everything on their heads- boxes, bags of rice, pumpkins, bags of potatoes, their purses
- Monkeys and more monkeys
- a little Zulu man walking as fast as he can back and forth from Hillcrest to Botha's Hill. They say he can average around 10 trips a morning. He walks barefooted and with a purpose- very, very fast. He is mentally ill.
- another Zulu man, a little taller than the one above, carrying a pole across his shoulders and huge bags on each side well balanced. Not sure what is in his bags, probably all of his belongings. He walks down the hills in the morning and comes back up early afternoon as I am starting my trip home. Normally he has on red pants. They say he is also mentally ill. He also walks barefooted.
- Usually there are at least 2 police roadblocks- one as I round the corner by the Valley Trust turn off and the other down at the beginning of Botha's Hill. I have been stopped once.
- earlier in the week, I saw a girl walking down the road knitting. Her male friend was walking behind her holding the yarn.
- And finally, the most magnificent views of the 1000 Hills. There is one point in the drive that is breathtaking on a clear day.

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