Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sienna misses PawPaw

This evening we were looking at Nonna's facebook page and the girls saw pictures of PawPaw. They wanted to see them so we started looking at them. Sienna teared up and started crying so hard. She said she missed him. After a few minutes, she pointed up to heaven and said I will see him again in heaven when it is lunchtime for him. Then she said, I am so worried about him. It was so sad. It is really the only time she has cried like that for someone. You could tell it really made her sad to see his picture.

We had dress rehearsal tonight. The little ponies are so cute! They try so hard! Sofia waves right in the middle of their part. I will post the video to Facebook and the Blog this weekend.

Today, Sienna said she had Tai and Quinn mixed up in her heart and she doesn't know what to do. She also said that froggy was a bad boy at school. He fell asleep at his desk.

World Cup kickoff tonight. The first game is tomorrow.

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