Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Frenzy about to begin

The World Cup opening ceremony starts on Thursday night. Italy is the current champion. It would be great if they could win again! It is getting hectic here in the downtown areas. The frenzy is about to begin!

I was getting ready to take a shower today and Sofia said "Mamma's have to wash their hair every day because they work hard all day long and get dirt in it". It was so cute. Then Sienna has been doing nothing but drawing what she is calling scientist pictures. Pictures of frogs and more frogs. She said today she had a headache. I asked why. She said it was because frogyy was yelling at her. She had told him to go and pee but he wouldn't and he just peed on himself and he was yelling at her. She said froggy's mom takes him to school every day in a purple car but she doesn't like the car and she needs to buy him a green one. I asked her if she was froggy's mom and she said no, she is his Nonna.

The girls baked biscuits (cookies) at school today. They were supposed to be for father's day. They were beautifully decorated and in a nice box with their handprint on it. On the way home, I noticed they were awfully quiet- well that is because they were eating the cookies that were supposed to be for Sal. They told me he will just have to come over here and they will bake him some more.

Before work, I always clean out the cat's litter box. Well, Sofia was bound and determined to be my helper. I told her that she could not manage to carry the litter box, open the bedroom door without the cats running out and get the box to me. As I was getting the fresh litter out of the cabinet, I hear litter going all over the floor. It is 7:27, we are supposed to leave at 7:30 and there is loads of litter and cat poop and pee ALL over the place. I was so mad. She felt really bad. I swept it all up in record time, got it changed and all was well. This new litter is like powder granules. And the kittens don't know what to think of it. It is lightweight. When I put it in there, they kept dipping their paws in to it and jumping back. Then Gaby, Sofia's kitten, got in the box and started digging it all out of the litter box. It was everywhere.

Speaking of peeing, I am tired of seeing men peeing in public here. It is disgusting. Yesterday, there was a man standing right in the median of heavy traffic on both sides peeing. Could he not find a tree?

Today the power and water was out at the office. We couldn't get much done. No lights, no internet, no phone, no toilets. No productivity.

School closes tomorrow for about a 4 week period. Schools here go year round and this is one of the 4 breaks they get throughout the year.

That's about it for now. My thoughts and prayers are with Billy Sisson's family. So, so tragic. It breaks my heart.

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