Thursday, May 6, 2010

Shucking Corn

For the past three nights, the girls have been eating corn on the cob (with other things of course). I can hardly buy enough of it because they eat two big ears of it each at a time. I am even sending it in their lunches! Here they are shucking some corn for dinner!!!!

On another note, this morning Mom's were invited to join their children at school for an hour or so in the morning and watch as they did their normal activities. The girls were delighted. They painted zebras, played with little cars on a race track and proudly showed me all of their pictures they have been working in on lately in class. Some really cute stuff. And they are getting so good at drawing and painting! Then we shared a cupcake. They gave me their mother's day gifts- a nice big bottle of lotion (cream) with a hand drawn picture of me. It was very sweet. But Sofia didn't want to give hers up so she kept it.

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