Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sal becomes a US Citizen on May 21

Sal finally got his notice for his Ceremony of Oath to become a US citizen on May 21st. After almost 18 years in the US, he will become a citizen. We will all still have our Italian citizenship as well. He is very proud, as am I. Way to go!!!

The girls are gearing up for Mother's Day. They have been very busy at school making a present. Sienna told me all about it yesterday- though she wasn't supposed to. And tomorrow, there is a morning tea at their school for the mothers that I will attend. They are very excited. They said they want to make me cookies on Sunday. And they said I have to help them.

Tomorrow night, we have to bake something to take to school because it is Sofia's turn to be Bakah Bakah (or Baker Baker as Americans would pronounce it). Every one in the class has a turn to be Bakah Bakah and wear an apron and serve thier classmates something sweet. The school is very strict on having sweets or unhealthy snacks. Only on Fridays can they have a sweet. During the week, their lunches have to be very healthy. No chips, no candy, no cakes. Only veggies, fruits and healthy sandwiches or other healthy food. At first, it was a little hard but we have finally gotten into the groove of things and the girls come home every day with empty lunch boxes. A typical lunch would be yogurt, a ham or PB&J sandwich, pretzels/nuts and some sort of fresh fruit. Along with juice- but the juice has to be in a thermos. No juice boxes are allowed. So, it takes a little longer to prepare their lunches but they are much healthier because of it. And anyway, there are no Oscar Meyer Lunchables or Little Debbie Cakes here even if I were able to put it in their lunch boxes.

On to a cultural lesson of words-

Differences in SA English and American English words
The first is SA English, second word is Am. English- both mean the same thing and the girls love learning how to say things here in SA English

1. hoot, honk
2. robot, traffic light
3. bakkie, pick up truck
4. boot, trunk
5. bonnet, hood
6. rubbish, trash
7. wee, pee
8. poo, poo poo
9. just now, in a minute (for example, I am coming just now instead of I'm coming in a minute).
10. kokis, markers (to color with)
11. indicator lights, blinkers
12. serviettes, napkins
13. bum, behind (body part)
14. dust ruffle, bed slip
15. lounge, living room
16. is it? really?

There are so many language intricacies even if it is English. But we are learning. And then there are the words that are the same but have different pronunciations like tomato and schedule. Schedule is pronounced with the C silent like shedule.

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