Sunday, March 7, 2010

My birthday

Today is March 7, 2010. My 37th birthday (or my 5th according to Sienna and Sofia). I think I like their proposed age better. It has been a hectic week and I am usually pretty tired in the evening and don’t have the energy to write. On Tuesday, Sofia woke up in a horrible mood and didn’t want to listen at all. So, I put her in time out in the bathroom. Well, in her attempt to open the door, she turned the key and locked herself in the bathroom. I was panicking. She couldn’t get it unlocked. She tried and tried to turn the key but just couldn’t. After about 30 minutes (which seemed like hours), I decided to get a screwdriver and try and dismantle the handle of the door. As I was unscrewing it she finally was able to turn the key just right and unlock it. It was so stressful!

On Thursday, they started ballet class. It is once a week at school. They are really excited. There is a play in June.

Yesterday, we went and visited the Bracken’s. Where we stayed for 2 weeks when we got here. The girls wanted to see their cats and dogs and play a little there. Afterwards we went to the Hillcrest Aids Center. The first Saturday of the month they have a fundraiser and it is a nice place to go and spend the morning. There was traditional dancing and singing. They also have beautiful beadwork made by women with HIV/AIDS. The women come to the center once a week on Fridays and sit together and work. It is a steady income for them. Afterwards, the girls were hungry so I took them to Wimpy’s. one of the little places they like to eat. We did a little shopping and then came home.

Today, we spent the morning at church (where the girls also go to school). The girls went to Childrens Church and then to class. They did pretty good. Until Sofia lost a little frog she had taken. In the afternoon, we went with Gavin, Kirsty and their kids to Makaranga Lodge. There are some very, very beautiful gardens. This place is very near to where we live. It is like a sanctuary. There are parts that are jungle and other parts that are little ponds and statues. You could walk around in the park for hours. I took lots of good pictures of the girls. Later, we had some yummy milkshakes and snacks. It was a nice afternoon

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