Wednesday, December 30, 2009

We have been busy trying to get things for the house. Everyday we are out shopping trying to find the best deals. Some days when there are lots of places to go and I am not familiar with the areas, Lunghi takes us. Other days I drive.

Sofia got her stitches out 2 days ago. She was very, very brave. At first she was not too sure about getting them out but the Sister (nurse) was very good with her. She explained how she would do it and let Sofia hold the tweezers and scissors. After she took them out (5 of them) she put them in a little jar for Sofia to keep. We are down to just 3 in the jar because Sofia keeps taking them out and looking at them. She still has one inside her nose that will dissolve.

Yesterday, the girls and I went out by ourselves. Here the bedding is duvets and you buy the filler to go in (like a down filler). They wanted Disney Princess duvets so that is what I got them. Today we are going to look for dining room chairs and a t.v.

The girls are adjusting very well. They haven't asked even once to go back home. They ask lots of questions about what they see- like when they see little kids come up to the car window asking for change. They ask where the mamma is and why they don't have food or shoes or why they are wearing raggedy clothes.

The car we drive doesn't have a radio and certainly no DVD players so they have to keep themselves occupied in the car as we drive around. They sing alot. They have gotten a lot better at playing with each other while we are here.

On Tuesday we went to a HUGE mall. It is nothing like we have around Arkansas. It is 5 stories and goes on and on. The girls were amazed! It is called the Pavillion. It's about 15 minutes away. then there is an even bigger one called Gateway. It is the largest mall in the Southern Hemisphere. You could spend days in there.

We should be able to start moving in the house tomorrow.

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