Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sienna and Sofia have finished preschool :(

Yesterday was Sienna and Sofia's last day of preschool. They have now officially become little girls. They will start Grade R (Kindergarten) in six weeks. This week they took a tour of their new class and met their new teacher, Mrs. Stapleberg. They have a really nice little school and classrooms. The only thing is that it will now be far from our new house. It is right down the road from us now but when we move at the end of this month, it will be a long drive in the morning. I am trying to get them into a school that is near the other house but classes are full right now.

They had a ballet show at school on Thursday. They are doing so good in ballet. It was so sweet to watch them!

Also on Thursday, we gave Bella, the cat, to another family. The girls are actually okay because she went to one of their friends, Izabella.

I had signed paperwork last week for the new apartment in Plantations. But then on Tuesday, I got a call from another agent and she said she had a place for us at Manorfields Estate. That was where I was wanting to get into originally. The complex has a pool, a squash court, workout room and very large park for children. And it is very secure with 24 hour security and gates. So, I called the Plantations to see if I could get out of that lease. At first, the owner was not going to let me. Then after pleading, I was able to (but had to pay $350). It will be worth it. This other place is a house, not an apartment. It has 2 large bedrooms, 2 baths and a study. It is very nice. I like it so much better than the apartment at Plantations. There is no comparison. This complex is actually right across from Plantations so it is all in the same vicinity. The only thing is that the school is far now.

Today, we went to a birthday party for one of the boys in Sienna and Sofia's class, Logan. They had fun as usual and we were the last to leave. We came home and I made some homemade PULLA. It is a Finnish bread. So good and has been so long since I have made it. The girls really enjoyed the whole process of watching the yeast dough grow. Then kneading it, braiding it, etc. They were fascinated. Sofia ate 3 pieces (like little cinnamon rolls) after her big bowl of pasta with pesto.

We will go to Cape Town for Christmas. We leave on the 23rd and get back on the 28th. Then we move on the 29th and 30th. It is going to be hectic.

It is hard to believe we are approaching our one year anniversary of arriving in South Africa on the 15th of December!

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