Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Just like a wavin flag

When I get older, I will be stronger, they'll call me FREEDOM, just a wavin flag, a wavin flag. So, wave your flag....

Sofia and Sienna are obsessed with this song by K'Naan- one of the official songs for the World Cup. They listen and watch the video constantly and know all the words!

Today was a holiday- Youth's Day. We stayed around the house with Mavis and Emmanuel. I sorted through their toys for about 4 hours straight. They had gotten all jumbled up and I needed to get them all separated- barbies, polly pockets, little pet shop, etc. And they all have such little pieces. The girls are always putting odds and ends in plastic bags and purses and the stuff never gets back where it belongs- they just shove it in a drawer. This was what I would find in the purses- rocks, sunglasses, crayons, bottle caps, chapstick, beads, empty medicine boxes and other odd strange things. Now, everything is back in order.

This morning the monkeys came to visit about 9 o'clock. We watched them for about 30 minutes. They are hungry because it is getting colder here and they can't find food as easily. So, the girls feed them bananas and apples. Both monkeys and girls were happy. The monkeys would come down the tree and fence and get the fruit then climb back up and sit and watch us while they ate. There were about 5 of them. The alpha male was not with them so they weren't too nervous or aggressive. They just sat and peeked around at us. They stayed for a while then they climbed back over the fence and took off.

These past few days have been cold at night. Yesterday, during the day it was rainy and cold. Today, it was sunny and warm but tonight it is cold again. The house does not have a heater so we have several shirts and sweaters on to stay warm. I need to get a little oil heater or electric blankets.

The World Cup games continue. Tonight, South Africa (Bafana Bafana) is playing. The game is starting now and the vuvuzelas are going off all around from the houses here in the neighborhoods.

Sienna continues to tell her froggy stories. It is non stop. She said today she went with Froggy to Mr. Grinch's house to watch the Bafana Bafana game. But Mr. Grinch's tv was broken and froggy got mad and broke all of Mr. Grinch's furniture.

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