Saturday, June 26, 2010

"Coca Cola will make you stronger"

So, the girls have really been watching the World Cup games as much as I do. And, unlike in the US, the commercials are very few and far between. Thank goodness. Really, the only two commericals are Coca Cola and cell phone companies. And the Coca cola ad showcases the song "Wave your flag" by K'Naan that the girls just LOVE. So, the ad catches their attention. Because of this, I heard this evening...."Sofia....Coca Cola will make us strong...we need to ask mom to buy us some". Sofia- "No, Sienna, I don't like Coca Cola. I only like milk and grape Fanta, I don't have to be strong". They are a mess! It was such a cute conversation. They see the ad being played over and over about Coca Cola supposedly making you strong if you drink it...

The girls were out of school this week. I am glad they go back on Monday. Their normal school still hasn't started back. It will start back after the World Cup. It is still holiday care but still better than having them at home and trying to organize care. They went with me 2 days to work and were too loud, they fought and just didn't understand the concept of being quiet.

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