Sunday, May 16, 2010

Morning nature walk in back yard

This morning after a night of rain, the girls and I went along in the back yard on a nature walk, enjoying the beautiful flowers, butterflies, spiders, birds and other interesting things. It is nice to go slowly around and look at all nature has to offer right in our yard. We do that often here, just sit and listen to the birds or watch ants busily working on the huge ant hills in our back yard. Life is much slower here, things take more time and you will find visitors who come very impatient at the pace of life.

In these pictures, you will see a very interesting spider who has made a big web. I don't know what kind it is but we decided to keep our distance and let it be. And you will see a variety of flowers that have come up recently in the yard- especially the orange ones. It is as if they came up overnight. Another interesting picture is of the HUGE fernlike frond. It is a new branch of this fern tree we have. We like to watch them unfold. You can't really tell by the picture, but this thing is about the size of a soccer ball.

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