Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sofia cut her hair!

Yesterday, Sofia decided to cut her hair. Luckily, it wasn’t too bad. She cut the side of her hair and now she has some bangs for some strange reason. She came to the kitchen where I was and handed me the hair all happy. Of course, she would do it on Easter weekend when I wanted to get some good pictures of her and Sienna. During the day, we went to Pavillion Mall to buy a few things.

Today, we went to Heritage Market. They had some kiddie Easter activities. They girls had a great time. They had a swings like you have at the fair. And they didn’t want to get off. Luckily, they were free. So, they went on it many, many times. Then they got their faces painted. They ate “candy wool” (cotton candy) and then saw the Easter Bunny. At first they were a little scared of him. But later they went up and gave him a hug. They said he came on an airplane from “10 Sun Lane”. And there was also a puppet show. It was nice. We had lunch at a little place there at Heritage called Rhythmic Beat. Then we went to do a little shopping. I was searching for Easter baskets. They don’t have them here. And they really don’t dye eggs. They do have Easter egg hunts but they hide chocolate marshmallow eggs which doesn’t make sense because it is so hot. We finally found some baskets at a florist shop. When we got home, they swam a little and then we dyed their eggs. All the eggs here are brown and they didn’t have any dye kits so I used food coloring and vinegar. We only dyed 10 eggs- 5 each. We will hide them tomorrow. Before they went to bed, they put their empty baskets by the fireplace so the Easter Bunny can come down the chimney and fill them.

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