Thursday, April 29, 2010

So cute!

I always mean to capture some of the cute things that Sienna and Sofia say on a daily basis but I always get so busy. I am going to try and make a point of it so that I capture these fleeting moments for later.

After seeing our neighbors Siberian Husky who has one blue eye and one brown eys, she looks at me and says "I wish I had one purple eye and one green eye". I asked her why she thought his eyes were different colors and she said because one flopped out and he had to get a different one!

Here women tend to carry anything and everything on their heads as you will see in the picture below. And the girls love to point out when someone is carrying something on their heads along the road. Yesterday I asked Sofia if when she got big she would carry things on her head and she said "No, mamma, I'm not brown and my hair is slick". She is very bright- one of the main reasons why a caucasian can't carry things on their heads is because the hair is slick and the item will slide off!

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