Thursday, January 14, 2010

One month anniversary

We left Arkansas one month ago. And what a month it has been! I think we have accomplished much in the past month and we are finally feeling settled.

Over the past month, we had a pretty bad car accident and were hospitalized, we spent Christmas with the Hudsons, we celebrated the New Year in our house, we visited two game reserves, moved into the house and have pretty much everything we need to be comfortable (beds, living room suite, washing machine, dishes, pots/pans, curtains, etc.) and unpacked everything. I installed my satellite equipment and an internet ASDL router. I have a bank account, a telephone at the house, lights/water in my name, bought a lawnmower, have a gardner, have learned to drive on the opposite side of the road, had a flat tire and am learning the roads here. Oh yeah and ousted an unwelcomed tarantula who had settled by my bed. Whew....and during all of that, I worked a full time job at the office and took care of the girls.

The month has passed by pretty fast but given how busy I have been, no wonder.

Last night, I took the girls to KFC (their new favorite place to eat). There were some little boys there in rags and no shoes. One had managed to get an ice cream cone (they cost about 40 cents at KFC). the other little boy sat and sadly watched his friend. So, I told the cashier to fix the other one an ice cream cone and I would pay for it. The boys came over and were so happy thanking me. I told them it was from Sienna and Sofia. It made the girls so happy to think they had given the poor little boy an ice cream cone. As we were leaving the boys were standing by the corner, holding up their cones and waving/smiling so big. Something so little can make someone so happy. And on the way home, the girls talked and talked about the boys. They asked why they were poor and why they were probably living without lights and water. And where were their parents. They kept saying they wanted to bring the boys to our house and let them stay with us. And I would have 4 little kids. They were so sweet and so concerned about them.

Work is going well. This week I have been working with our fundraising team on some funding proposals to raise money. And making contacts with the government. Lots to do.

It is so sad about Haiti. When I see these types of disasters, it makes me want to be there on the ground helping the people. Over 80% of the people in Haiti live below the poverty line. It is one of the world’s poorest countries. And now for this to happen. It shouldn’t take an earthquake or natural disaster to bring attention to a country and help. Governments and NGOs should have been there helping even before the earthquake.

The weekend is almost here. I will probably take the girls to the beach on Saturday- a place called Umhlanga Rocks- http://www.umhlanga-­ It’s supposed to be very nice. It’s about 35 minutes away.

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