Wednesday, January 20, 2010

First day of school but they didn't go

Today the girls were supposed to go to school but they were not able to. Sofia has been running a fever for the past 4 days. She has had very few other symptoms. Just a really stopped up nose and swollen eyes. So, I took her to the doctor. We don't have insurance yet but the doctor I went to only charged us $15 for a consultation. She has a sinus infection and upper respiratory infection. I got antibiotics and nose drops. Her fever broke tonight- I think. She seemed a little better this evening.

We had power outages all day today. The power went out at least 6 times today. Luckily they didn't go out after dark. It is very common in Africa to lose power daily.

The girls probably won't go to school tomorrow either. Hopefully Friday.

We got news that Gary was in intensive care. I talked to the girls about him and told him he was not well and in the hospital. They were so sweet- they closed their eyes and said "Jesus, please make pawpaw better so he can go home from the hospital. He is constantly in our thoughts and prayers here.

Not much else to write tonight- I'm pretty tired and headed to bed.

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